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Which ISP is better in Attari?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Album Series I

Surrounding Field

Lower Cheenab Canal

Near Ravi River

Orchard of Allichi

Canal at Quarter Locality

Bitter-ground field

A tree standin' inbetween field

Tractor working

Outstandin' AttarianzzZ :)

Burj Attari happened to be a town of highly qualified n extraordinary people like Dr. Ghazanfar Ali Khan (Ph.D in Genatics), Prof. Mrs. Ashi Aziz (Gold Medalist), Prof. Saeed (HRM - TEVTA), Prof Munir (Degree College Shahdra), Ahmad Khan SP, Col. Khalid, Major Shami, Capt. Aurang Zeb and Nisar A. Mujahid, Shafqat Mahmood Chuhan, Rana Zulfiqar Ali Khan advocates of Supreme Court, Ch. Khadim Hussain, Ch. Muhammad Nawaz, Ch. Muhammad Sajid, Mian Asif, Mrs. Fozia Zulfiqar, Mrs. Amirah (Gold Medalist), Ume Kalsoom, Akram Gondal advocates of High Court and almost 30 other advocates including Ch.Jalil and other doctors and engineers. Theses numbers on rise even :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

9th Result Went Announced, Attari didn't do well :(

Class 9th result by BISE Lahore went announce today 25th August, but none of the institutes found to be performed well (to be continued...)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Xplorin' Borj Attairi - Play Your Part

've anythin' worth sharin', stats, essays , articles, 've sound debate-able ranging knowledge from politics to literature, arts to technology, wanna share your own experience, achievements, problems, whateva.  Knows something extra-ordinary, about the local icons the figures, somethin' special outdated or past from history, excited to make yourself introduce, looking to dig the roots, wanna be an author, 've panoramic n landscape views by your camera, videos as well, loves to write reviews, gonna contribute a town's social life......... (n list goes on)

So??? what yo're watin' fo, fule up your energy, scratch your brain n come forward n be the first.....

You may send any kindda data (pics, articles, videos etc) direct to this email id "" mentioning your name n profession. I'll re-write, fix n post all your contribution after certain moderation.
Waitin optimistically :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Attention!! Broadband User're at High Privacy Risk

This article neither against nor in the favour of any player, its about the privacy contents' a guideline for end-users. Internet Privacy Risk for end-users isn't a new phenomenon, it has been birth since the launch of internet services n you can't escape through it, even.

Consumers obtain Internet access through an Internet Service Provider (ISP). All Internet data "to" and "from" the consumer must pass through the consumer's ISP. Given this, any ISP has the capability to observe all the internet traffic both upload n download. However, ISPs're usually prevented from participating in such activities due to legal, ethical, business, or technical issues. But the case isn't same everywhere. In today’s technological world, millions of individuals are subject to privacy threats. Internet Service Provider (ISP) or the person monitoring may watch what you visit online, your browsing history, set upped accounts, user-names, passwords, personal data i.e. emails, pics, videos, bank and credit card information to various websites. So, be careful, coz you may be get exposed soon, specially if you're surfing porn n adult contents :P:P

Tips to Minimize the Risk:
Many security measures can be done for lessening the risk of Internet privacy.
  • Sign-out properly from your account before quieting surf.
  • Always used to clear Cookies data.
  • Use private/incognito browsing.
  • "Spyware" tracks your online behaviour, install some spy-ware software.
But doing all this 'll still remain your ISP provider person able to track your activities (in case if he's professional), so, simply get rid off all un-ethical activities. ;)

Still 've any question??? you may ask below in comments.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Attari Clicked Panoramio T:):)

Click n Visit, I assure it doesn't lack interest n beauty :)
These panoramic pics are also available to Goolge Earth as well.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Breaking: Broadband n DSL Went On-Air - Beta

Unbelievable, but its true, Attari gone Broadband both Wireless n DSL, finally, after couple of months' time. No words yet upon the wireless technology which is being employed for Wireless connections. Let it be a secret yet :P but it must be a WiFi based system, though a prediction yet.

USB price: 2200 PKR (Refundable)
Monthly Rental: 500 PKR- unlimited volume, no caps
N in case yo're interested in PTCL DSL, Click here

But both devices price n monthly rental are costly enough to convince low-income users, students n average data user of town while they're using Ufone n Zong EDGE already.

Have your say....

Friday, August 13, 2010

Broadband Looks a Distant Idea in Attari :(

Well, 'm not disappointed YET, but facts sound different. I made myself think well before writing this post, coz I may 've my own opinion but not my own facts, but 'll try my best to opine an un-biased review.

Since February-2010 rumours were scrolling about landing of Broadband DSL, Wireless Broadband USB, WiFi kindda systems in Attari n adjacent areas, but in ain't witnessed yet. While we keep on listening about its instant launch every two weeks after periodically :p. A couple of months 've been passed n still we're waitin for so called claimed inaguration. Two main players, here, are interested in investment in internet industry in Attari, one is PTCL n other is NKS by Mr. Tayyab. PTCL is about to launch Cable Broadband but Mohammed Tayyab is in Wireless Broadband technology as per reports.

Folks, forget about PTCL Broadband.
A semester of months back one of my friend phoned PTCL Sheikhopora regional office n asked that when we'll be facilitated by PTCL DSL, the representative of customer care replied that "PTCL has no plan to make a huge investment in your area, bcoz of expected less number of internet users n revenue" so it obvious from statement that we are much far away from DSL n others. (outdated :D info was wrong)

Wireless Broadband?
Before commenting I think I'ld wait till Sunday 15th August, coz 'm hearing a rumour about its launch this weekend, again ;)

Thanks to Mr. XYZ for providing info. YOU MAY COMMENT BELOW