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Which ISP is better in Attari?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Broadband Looks a Distant Idea in Attari :(

Well, 'm not disappointed YET, but facts sound different. I made myself think well before writing this post, coz I may 've my own opinion but not my own facts, but 'll try my best to opine an un-biased review.

Since February-2010 rumours were scrolling about landing of Broadband DSL, Wireless Broadband USB, WiFi kindda systems in Attari n adjacent areas, but in ain't witnessed yet. While we keep on listening about its instant launch every two weeks after periodically :p. A couple of months 've been passed n still we're waitin for so called claimed inaguration. Two main players, here, are interested in investment in internet industry in Attari, one is PTCL n other is NKS by Mr. Tayyab. PTCL is about to launch Cable Broadband but Mohammed Tayyab is in Wireless Broadband technology as per reports.

Folks, forget about PTCL Broadband.
A semester of months back one of my friend phoned PTCL Sheikhopora regional office n asked that when we'll be facilitated by PTCL DSL, the representative of customer care replied that "PTCL has no plan to make a huge investment in your area, bcoz of expected less number of internet users n revenue" so it obvious from statement that we are much far away from DSL n others. (outdated :D info was wrong)

Wireless Broadband?
Before commenting I think I'ld wait till Sunday 15th August, coz 'm hearing a rumour about its launch this weekend, again ;)

Thanks to Mr. XYZ for providing info. YOU MAY COMMENT BELOW

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